What is SEO Local?

SEO Local

SEO Local refers to search engine optimization geared specifically at local businesses such as bakeries, tours and travels agencies, restaurants or photocopy (Xerox) shops.

Get reviews that are authentic is key for local searches as it improves visibility and rankings of businesses. Furthermore, traditional Google ranking factors still apply when ranking local searches.

Keyword Research

Finding the appropriate local keywords is critical to any local SEO campaign. Keywords are what people type into Google when searching for businesses like yours; local searches often differ significantly from generic queries in that they focus on intent-driven traffic that’s ready to convert.

Step one of local keyword research should involve creating a list of services and products offered by your business, inviting employees to get involved, then entering them into a tool like Ubersuggest which will give you keyword ideas with their associated search volume and SEO difficulty scores – low search volume keywords may not warrant ranking as highly as those which are highly searched but relevant to your industry are best.

On-Page Optimization

Content creation alone cannot ensure successful local SEO; on-page optimization plays an equally vital role. This involves aligning keywords with search intent, and using those terms in page-level elements such as titles, headers and meta descriptions to incorporate them. Furthermore, on-page SEO ensures Google can locate your site easily while understanding what its algorithms need to know about what’s available there.

Optimizing your Google My Business profile is another essential element of on-page SEO, including ensuring accurate and complete citations for your business. In addition, it is beneficial to gain reviews for your services on popular review platforms like Yelp, Angie’s List, and Foursquare.

As our world becomes more mobile, more people are turning to local SEO services for services and products in their area. According to research conducted by Google and Ipsos, 4 out of 5 consumers who searched online for local businesses visited those within 24 hours – this makes local SEO more crucial than ever.

Link Building

Link building is essential in local SEO to increasing website visibility. It allows search engines to locate your site more easily while showing consumers that your brand is an authority within its field. As your search engine rankings rise, so will the number of potential customers.

Backlinks and citations are essential components of local SEO. A backlink refers to any link from another website pointing back to yours using relevant anchor text, while citation is when your company name, address, and phone number (NAP) appear online directories or directories.

Build links by publishing blog content and distributing it to influencers, guest posting, and participating in social media. Pitch local media websites with news about your story; sponsor events or donate money directly.

Social Media

Businesses serving a geographic region should include local SEO as a core element of their digital marketing strategy. According to marketing analytics software company Moz, local search rankings can be affected by content, link building and social media efforts.

Social media plays an integral part in SEO Local, especially when it comes to establishing local business listings on Google My Business (GMB). GMB is a free tool that allows users to post key details about their businesses – contact information, photos that represent products/services offered, store hours and more – on an easily searchable platform.

Attracting customers by encouraging reviews for local search is also key, and this information will then be spread around via social networks like Facebook. Monitoring new social platforms that emerge can also be an integral component of local SEO strategy – they provide another opportunity to reach target audiences with relevant content.